Friday, February 8, 2008

Answers of Blog Article

A. What is the difference between a blog and a book?
In a book, you can’t leave comments about what you like or don’t, and you are only reading one text at the time. Instead, a blog allows you and gives you so many options, more blogs, link to keep on searching, like opening doors. Also, a book has to be more precise, has to be finished. It has to talk about firm details, and have support. Blogs don’t have to.

B. At the beginning, when the blogs were created, people used them to tell people (they weren’t referring to a certain public either) about their personal opinion. Then, when the ‘blog boom’ came, people (many) now were aware that they were already included in the ‘world of Internet’, and wanted to let themselves we known. Links were used, to connect websites with their blogs, so people browsing Internet have a higher chance to ‘finishing’ in their own blog.
This is the reason why today, blogs tend to focus on only one topic, and therefore, sort of serve as an informative source, for people.

C. Although most books contain information that might be helpful to someone, somehow, blogs (which are not necessarily created to inform) are easier to read. In most cases, the vocabulary and word choice used is much easier, because as blogs, they don’t have to be made formal. It’s more like an online diary, were the owner can post everything he/she wants.

D. Owners of blogs are not willing to inform anyone, teach anyone, in most cases. They might tend to leave posts incomplete, or use bad spelling and symbols that are not ‘allowed’ in proper writing. They are not aware about who visits their blog, but think that only their friends or people he/she knows will. The truth is, absolutely everyone can visit a blog, as long as he/she has access to Internet, or Google.

E. Personally, I wouldn’t have a blog of my own. In the past, we created a website with some of my friends, and soon, none of us posted or edited the website. That’s what would happen to my blog. I’m not much of a rigid person, and therefore would forget to post and update my blog.

But, if I ever do create a blog of my own, it would certainly have to do with writings, because, talking about my life in the Internet, though I may sound paranoid, it might be dangerous, and I have lots of writings already that maybe, just maybe, some people would like to read…Then again, we are creating this blog to write and post writings. And so, the name of my blog (the one I have) is certainly creative writings.

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